Corporate Challenge Coins Improve Morale At The Workplace
Challenge coins can help make any workplace better
We've talked a lot about other types of coins: military, police, fire/EMS, CIA, and many others. However, there is one other popular type of challenge coin we’ve yet to cover: corporate challenge coins.
It can be difficult finding new ways to motivate and inspire your employees, but challenge coins can help! You have a great crew that works well together, and you’d like to keep it that way. But, how do you find new methods to keep everything running smoothly and without incident?
It's a proven fact that employee morale increases when employees know they’re a valued part of a team. Recognition from a supervisor or peer can help boost morale and motivation. Recognition in the form of gifts or awards from management is an effective tactic. An award that an employee can display at their desk or on a shelf at home is a permanent display of an achievement and is usually something the employee will show off for many years to come.
One such way you can recognize your employees or coworkers is with corporate challenge coins. A challenge coin is a medallion with a custom logo or design that’s long been popular among the military and public service agencies.
Today, they have become increasingly popular in the corporate world as well.
What Is A Challenge Coin?
We've already covered the history of the challenge coin, but here is a brief summary. In World War I, an American lieutenant in the Army Air Corps created coins featuring his squadron’s emblem and gave them to his squadmates, who wore the coins in a small pouch around their necks.
One of the squad members was in a plane shot down over Germany and captured. He managed to escape and sneak back to friendly territory in France. All of his paperwork and identifying information was taken when the pilot was captured, so the French soldiers thought he was a spy and prepared to execute him.
However, he was able to prove who he was to the French was by showing his coin with the squadron emblem. The French soldiers recognized the emblem and returned him to his unit. Today all branches of the military still design challenge coins, which usually feature a unit logo, mascot, or other design that’s relevant to the soldiers designing it.
Coins are also incredibly popular with police, fire, and EMT employees. The concept for corporate challenge coins remains the same, demonstrating inclusion on a team or group, and the design should feature something that’s relevant to the people who will carry it!
Corporate Challenge Coin Design
Here at ChallengeCoins4Less.com, we’ve seen just about every kind of coin design one can create. From military, police, corporate, or otherwise, we've witnessed coins with mermaids, glow-in-the-dark coins, and even a coin that looks like a pizza. For your corporate challenge coins, come up with a design that represents your team.
Adapt your own design for your company coin, and your employees are sure to treasure it as a collectible forever. Even as they move on to other opportunities, they will still look back fondly on the time they were part of a great team.
Corporate challenge coins are a great way to celebrate your team, and providing something your employees or peers will hold on to for the rest of their lives!