First Responder Challenge Coins
At, it is our distinct honor to provide custom challenge coins to our nation’s beloved, heroic first responders. First responder coins are another rendition of the challenge coins military personnel started minting over a century ago, and have grown so popular they can be found in almost every station the country over. Got an idea for a brand new coin design? We can help! Have a pre-existing one you’d like remade? No sweat. Click below to get started!
Where do first responder coins come from?
The origin of first responder coins lies in the long-held military challenge coin tradition. When soldiers returned from their tours of duty in the 20th century, many found work as paramedics, firefighters, and law enforcement. Their unique skills and training made them perfect fits for those roles, and having nerves of steel helped many excel in their new fields. To honor their excellence, chiefs and community leaders began minting challenge coins much like the ones their veterans brought back from war. Sparking an exciting new tradition among first responders, EMT coins in particular have become extremely popular in recent years, while other styles of first responder coins have been in vogue for quite a while.
What’s the difference between first responder coins and regular challenge coins?
The only difference is in the details! First responder coins are designed and manufactured just like traditional challenge coins, meaning they’re high quality and completely custom. Most coins include common symbols within their field, such as the Caduceus, a thin line flag, or a sculpted bust of an emergency vehicle. The majority of designs employ 3D molding to replicate these icons in detail and make them erupt off the coin, creating a breathtaking, tactile illusion that everyone will be excited to carry and proud to display.
They’re also created for an increasing variety of reasons. First responder coins are often awarded for bravery or for years of service in such a demanding, stressful field. More recently however, we’ve seen coins being minted in memoriam of fallen colleagues, to honor dispatchers, and as an extra reward for the pressure of working through a deadly pandemic. We’ve even helped departments make color variants of their common coins to award to civilians as community outreach and for awareness campaigns. Regardless of the subject matter, first responder coins are gaining popularity – and for good reason!
Where can I get custom first responder coins?
Guess what? You’ve already come to the right place! Our staff has been assisting emergency personnel design and create beautiful coins for over fifteen years. Our expertise has aided independent medical transports, huge national hospitals, and everyone in between, from small town firehouses to the Secret Service in producing challenge coins they're proud to call their own. We work in complete confidence, so you can rest assured your coin’s contents will remain known only to its recipients and our team of professionals. From original design to finished product, is here to be your one-stop shop for custom first responder coins. Get started now!
Check out our pricing page for current challenge coin prices.