Custom School Coins for Spirit, Fundraising
Raising funds for your school, and boosting school spirit, is a breeze with custom school challenge coins
Let's face it, running a school can be a challenging task. If you’re an educator or school administrator, you’re no doubt thinking about new ways to motivate and reward your students this year, as well as innovative ways to raise funds. We’ve got the answer to both – school custom challenge coins!
Want a way to reward achievement, celebrate high standardized test scores, or raise funds for a band, club, team or activity? Custom coins are an ideal way to do so. There's no better way to start the school year off on a positive note!
Custom School Coins Promote School Spirit
Custom coins have long been used to promote camaraderie and team spirit in the military, and increasingly in business as well. You can put them to work to do the same thing in your school.
You can use the coins as you do any other achievement award or incentive. If you’re a classroom teacher, they’re perfect for rewarding excellence in a given subject matter, good conduct, perfect attendance and more. Students of all ages appreciate being recognized for achievement. And it gives lower-achieving students a tangible reward to strive for. That can be a powerful motivating factor, one that encourages every student to do their best work.
If you’re an administrator, coins can be a reward for excellent school-wide test scores, participation in community-oriented activities and more. Or reserve them for teachers who achieve excellence as well.
You can also use custom coins to complement specific lesson plans. They're a great reward for completing Red Ribbon Week activities, for example. Custom coins can reinforce the importance of staying drug free and making good decisions. They serve as a tangible reminder that students can touch and see when faced with critical choices.
For high school students, custom coins can be a way to celebrate scholarships, competitive club awards, vocational achievements, band accomplishments and more. They make excellent graduation gifts for seniors. And not just for the valedictorian and salutatorian, but for the whole class. Keep in mind that the more coins you purchase, the lower the per-unit cost. You might be surprised at just how economical custom challenge coins can be for your school or district.
Turning Coins into Medals and Medallions
One really terrific aspect of challenge coin design is how versatile coins can be. If you want to reward achievements in a traditional manner, any reputable coin provider can turn your design into wearable medals. Just the thing for academic competions, sporting events and community service award, medals and medallions are sure to be worn and cherished by recipients for years to come.
Fundraising With Custom School Coins
Want to know a little secret? You don't have to do those annual fundraisers promoted by companies that take 50 percent or more of the revenue and leave your students with a fraction of what they should! Custom school coins also make terrific fundraisers. You can craft a design specific to the program or activity you want to raise money for, and sell them to supporters at games, concerts, and other school events. Unlike fundraisers run by third-party companies, there’s no middleman when you order custom coins. You buy directly from the coin provider. That means you keep ALL the profits from the coins you sell. There’s no need to pay 60% or more to a fundraising company!
Don't Forget Staff And Volunteers Too!
Students and faculty aren't the only ones who can benefit from custom coins. Recognition of staff members can contribute to higher morale among employees and help reduce turnover. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and a small token to thank them for their dedication and hard work really helps. A custom coin honoring their service gives them something they can carry with them or proudly display on a desk in the office or at home.
Remember the unsung heroes of your school too. The cafeteria, custodial and maintenance staff members work hard every day behind the scenes to keep your students fed, your buildings clean and equipment functioning throught the school year. They are often overlooked as part of the team. Recognition at an assembly at which they are presented with custom coins or medallions helps highlight their vital role at keeping both your facility and your students functioning at their best. They're sure to cherish such tokens of appreciation.
Volunteers also appreciate a touch of recognition for everything they do. You know your school's volunteers work tirelessly throughout the year to help keep things functioning smoothly. Why not honor them with an annual recognition day that includes custom school coins? A little bit of appreciation goes a long way toward keeping volunteers enthusiastic. And enthusiastic volunteers help create enthusiastic students and a positive learning environment.
Designing Coins is Easy
It’s easy to get started with custom school coins. Your coin provider will have talented artists on staff who will work with you to create a coin design that your students, faculty and staff can be proud of. You can feature your school colors, mascot, and virtually any activity you can imagine. Add a football, a band instrument, or anything else related to the activity or organization you’re supporting. And keep in mind that you're never limited to just common round shapes. Today's technology means you can create custom coins in just about any shape you can imagine. You’re limited only by your imagination.
Custom school coins are surprisingly affordable. A good coin provider will help you get the most value for your coin dollars, no matter what size budget you’re working with. With a wide selection of colors, sizes, options and finishes available, it’s easy to create custom coins that will help make this your school’s best year ever!
If you’d like to know more, ChallengeCoins4Less.com is your Number One source for great custom coins of all kinds. Feel free to call us toll free at 855.272.8451, or email us at [email protected]. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have, and we’re here to serve all your custom coin needs!