Choosing Metal Styles
Selecting a metal style that will complement your coin design is easy
One of our biggest sellers here at ChallengeCoins4Less.com is the economically sound die struck coin. They’re simple, classic, price friendly, and even have a slightly faster production time! One thing we always try to make clear is the difference of metal styles and the benefits of choosing an antiqued finish as opposed to an ordinary polished one. When there’s no color in the die struck coin, the combination of raised polished metal and sandblasted recessed metal can create, in some situations, light tones that make text and other small details difficult to read. (As pictured on the above left coin) We recommend moving over to the antique finish, to increase legibility and to really make those details visible on your finished coin. We can produce both polished and antique finishes using a gold, silver, brass, or copper plating style.
A second option is to include color on your custom coins. With the combination of polished metal and color filling, we can eliminate the hard to read areas by filling a darker color around the raised polished metal. Both coins pictured above are quite legible. Color is a great option when considering your own custom design. As always, if you have any questions or concerns with your custom die struck coin design, feel free to contact us or post comments below. We’re always here to help!