Customize It! Choosing Metal Styles
Selecting the right metal style for your coin design doesn't have to be difficult.
One of our biggest selling coins at is the economically sound die struck coin. They are classic and straightforward, as well as affordable. They also have a slightly faster production time, which certainly adds to the appeal. And of course, there's no quesiton that the timeless die struck coin appearance is always popular, whether for military or civilian challenge coins.
The metal style of your coins is one variable in your design. The right metal choice can really make your design stand out, creating a coin the recipeints will carry and display with pride.
One thing we always try to make apparent is the difference in metal styles and the benefits of choosing the riight finish for your particular coin design. You might want to choose an an antiqued finish as opposed to an ordinary polished one. That can work wonders to help your message on your coin really stand out.
The reason is simple. When there is no color in the die struck coin, the combination of raised polished metal and sandblasted recessed metal can create, in some situations, light tones. This detail makes text and other small details challenging to read. In that cirucumstance, we typically recommend moving over to the antique finish to increase legibility, and to really make those details visible on your coin. We can produce both polished and antique finishes, using a gold, silver, brass, or copper plating style.
Another great option is to include color on your custom coins. The combination of polished metal and color filling helps to eliminate the hard to read areas. By filling a darker color around the raised polished metal, this makes for a more precise and more defined look. Color is a great option when considering your own custom design.
Our experienced, talented group of artists and graphic designers are always happy to advise you as to which metal style is likely to work best with your design. Of course, the ultimate decisions about the metal style, color, size, shape and other factors of your cusotm tchallenge coins are entirely up to you. We want you to be completely satisfied with the design and appearance of your coins before you finalize the order. You're in complete control.
Designing custom challenge coins isn't hard. We make the process fun, easy and fast from start to finish. As always if you have any questions or concerns with your custom die struck coin design, feel free to contact us. We are always here to help!
Jesse Daugherty
Hello, I'm Jesse Daugherty, a music enthusiast, sports aficionado, and an avid supporter of the arts. I'm a writer and content creator. For the past 5 years, I've shared my knowledge of custom challenge coins and other promotional products, exploring their designs, meaning, and purpose.